Просмотр полной версии : Spots and eruption on a member

10.11.2004, 02:35
On my member any spots. They are on a trunk of a sexual member. They suppurate and sometimes from them it is possible to squeeze out a white liquid on similarity of pus. Small pryshchiki is and on a head (is more exact not on a soma to a head - and there where the head comes to an end and the trunk begins) which go on a circle, but they very small heads under color and do not suppurate. And all is muck at me already enough for a long time - some years (nearby 4- years)... It not a lues - because this spring to me did or made operation [varikotseli at the left], and I handed over obligatory analyses... I wish to know - what is it there can be [a venereal disease, or any harmonious change] And in general there are cases, when on a member there are spots (not including venereal diseases) - well type as on a back, etc.? As I also have told or said - this nonsense has started to appear somewhere in 15-16 years (now to me 20), I and had no sex contacts (i.e. I the virgin and consequently venereal disease to me was not at whom to pick up). To me - with an erection at me that's all right - and as soon as business reaches contact - I complex 20 years - and I would find any way what to not undress and leave more quickly away... As you can see at me a serious problem! Tell or say what is it can be and to I need to address (to which doctor) that me from it or this to get rid

dr. Agapov
10.11.2004, 23:47
Most likely it is the hypertrophied glands of a balanus and seborrheal cysts - a variant of norm or rate
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