Просмотр полной версии : Why so?

30.09.2004, 12:20
Help or Assist, pozhalusta to understand a following situation.
Before planned pregnancy together with the husband have handed over analyses on presence of infections by method PTSR.U me have revealed gardenellu and ureplazmu, and at the husband-anything is not present. To me 24 years,
We live with the husband 1 year. On-my the first and unique the man. How then there were at me these infections? And whether it is necessary to the husband to pass or take place preventive treatment?
In advance it is very grateful for the answer!

01.10.2004, 14:52
Dear Eve! gardnerelly and ureaplasmas are is conditional-pathogenic microorganisms which in norm or rate are practically at each person in small amounts. The certain situations (stresses, depression of immunity, etc.) lead to augmentation of their quantity or amount that can cause or call inflammatory process. We recommend you to hand over crop on a ureaplasma which will help or assist to find out quantity or amount of ureaplasmas in your organism and to solve the problem treatments. Preventive treatment to your partner to spend it is not necessary.

K.m.n. The doctor of the first category -gynecologist Vybornova Irina Anatolevna.