Просмотр полной версии : Tiberal

The barbarian
21.09.2004, 13:13
In me have found out Trichomonases and chlamydias. The doctor has written out Tiberal. Vo-the first, what you think in occasion of this preparation? Vo-the second, gde-that in half an hour after reception of a tablet starts to be turned a head and there is a delicacy. How to avoid such status?

dr. Agapov
21.09.2004, 21:22
1. Tiberal (ornidazol) an effective preparation of new generation for treatment trihomoniaza, he does not cure a clamidiosis
2. These phenomena are connected with a side effect tiberala on the central nervous system (at the certain part of people) to avoid them not udastsja - if these phenomena will disturb constantly and vyrazhenno it is necessary to replace a preparation.