Просмотр полной версии : Hello. A problem my simple. After the sexual certificate or act (there is enough dlitel...

29.08.2004, 21:30
Hello. A problem my simple. After the sexual certificate or act (enough long and without a condom) has gone to douche and has felt strong shchipanie around of a head pch, on sledushchy day became appreciable jazvochki which strongly hurted or were ill;were sick. In day they became very much bolezneny and are extremely appreciable, and as to all to it or this has found out very increased lymphonoduses in the field of a pubis. As is like any allocation around of a head pch. I do not know, as to think... Prompt...

31.08.2004, 17:04
It is not necessary to think, it is necessary to go on internal reception to dermato-to the venereologist, and RUN!!!!

03.09.2004, 08:40
I wish to specify on what similar? So that in any case I shall go, but in advance it would be desirable to know.

New settlers V.S.
05.09.2004, 17:52
Herpes, lues...

08.09.2004, 05:40
Hello, the doctor!!!

Help or Assist!!! After my contact (not protected)
I have gone for check to laboratory and have handed over analyses. They have shown herpes. But has already passed or has already taken place 1 month from the moment of contact. Any external projavleniy neither at me, nor at the partner (it or he did not have contacts 2 years) it is not observed. Whether the herpes within 2 years can be shown.
But, he handed over a blood on antibodies... .gerpes has proved to be true... .hotja externally priosmotre the venereologist all was pure or clean and even the doctor all over again did not consider it necessary delivery of a blood. The venereologist has told or said to him, what is it, most likely, Herpes 2 types, t. To. He has no attributes more likely.
What do you think in this occasion?

New settlers V.S.
10.09.2004, 20:26
To Jeanne: 1. Yes, can. 2. The carriage gerpeticheskih anatitel is possible or probable. 3. The genital herpes (2 type) can be shown or not. All depends on a status of immunity.