Просмотр полной версии : Whether tell or say, please, the mycoplasmosis vnepolovym by and n can be passed...

Paradise Lost
23.08.2004, 02:30
Whether tell or say, please, the mycoplasmosis vnepolovym by can be passed and whether it is necessary at positive reaction to it or him to be investigated or researched also on a ureaplasma?

23.08.2004, 18:59
There are no the infections passed exclusively sexual by. It is impossible even to tell or say About many kinds of mycoplasmas (what and as it is revealed at you, you have held back), that this way is primary. Often disease is passed kapelno-liquid by (from a mouth in a mouth, including, by air), proteraet is subacute (for example as the usual bronchitis) and even can will end with full convalescence. However, if the infection managed to be fixed in an organism and to cause or call chronic process it is final izbavisja from it or her happens uneasy. At a urogenital way of infection such happens often.
Ureaplasma - a special version of extensive community of mycoplasmas. However separate schemes or plans of antibiotic treatment for ureaplasmas and other mycoplasmas usually do not appoint or nominate. And, if you are measured or going to be treated by antibiotics, there is no special need in additional inspection on a ureaplasma. However in some months after treatment it will need to be made necessarily.

Paradise Lost
25.08.2004, 01:42
Thanks big for consultation. You could not respond to some questions: whether effectively to treat a urogenital mycoplasmosis (data kulturalnogo the analysis) "TSifranom" how to prevent transition of an infection in a chronic stage, whether really to learn or find out as for a long time the person is infected?

New settlers V.S.
26.08.2004, 09:55
The answer see to the address of duplication of a question.