Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. The situation is those. At my wife analyses have revealed a ureaplasma (...

VA pupkin
20.08.2004, 20:40
The dear doctor. The situation is those. At my wife analyses have revealed a ureaplasma (according to the gynecologist - in the started form, t. e. Already there is a chronic cystitis). Following course of treatment is appointed or nominated: Vilprafen 14 days * 1* 2/day, Suprastinum (or Tavegilum) 1/day for the night, syringings. To the husband (me) - still Clotrimazolum.. To be treated it is necessary together. Therefore such question: whether I can accept medicines under its or her scheme or plan. It would not be desirable to pay once again a money for diagnostics, and procedure rather unpleasant and it is clear, what even at negative result to drink tablets all the same it is necessary. By the way, the course to her has been appointed or nominated without carrying out of analyses to sensitivity to antibiotics. To me 33 years, 88 kg., 176 see body height. An allergy to Penicillinum. For last 5 years one has drunk two packings of the doxycycline, azivok., like other antibiotics did not accept (probably, Biseptolum is a little). 6 years ago handed over PTSR on a maximum (DNK-diagnostics on Trade-union) - have found chut-hardly (one cross?) Mycoplasma. Have told or said, to treat it is not necessary. About four years disturb blunt nagging pains basically behind a pubis, from time to time in an inguen and chut-hardly in the bottom part of a testicle. One time have become silent, and after New year (the frigorism, reception of a spicy food, and abusing alcohol) have again renewed. A frequent emiction (but here I also the weight began to type or collect and eat and drink liquids much), from time to time a burning sensation and an itch in mocheispuskatelnom the channel. At the urologist in an out-patient department couple of years back with complaints was, he like has found nothing, analyses did not register, but from a prostatitis something registered (on a paper, in the certain drugstore and through the vizitku), but I therefore did not drink. Therefore for me the variant under its or her scheme or plan (though she is desirable - to be treated and dorogovata), to hand over analyses (as 2 times are necessary) further at continuation of unpleasant sensations already to pay consultation and diagnostics (TRUZI, etc.) At you. By the way, azivok to me registered at a chronic bronchitis and the described unpleasant sensations have sharply decreased, and then I like even about them and have forgotten, t. e they were present, but obviously did not annoy, the emiction was in norm or rate.
I write here, because honey. From this site I already used services of the expert, thus did not load superfluous diagnostics and superfluous procedures and all is accessible explained.

New settlers V.S.
24.08.2004, 14:50
The scheme or plan of treatment spouses does not contradict principles of treatment of the man.