Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! I address for the possible or probable help in the diagnosis. That what...

22.08.2004, 03:54
The dear doctor!

I address for the possible or probable help in the diagnosis.
That that was the casual sexual certificate or act, accident can, and business goes about illness or disease
Connected with the years or style of a life, but I do not deny anything.
The matter is that signs have appeared in 4 days, and they the following.
Kakie-any allocation are absent completely, the itch, sometimes only is felt
More strongly sometimes is more weak, weakening after an emiction, absolutely tolerant
In the morning and appearing through chas-two the first campaign in a toilet.
Pains are not present and rezej too. Kakih-Any changes on a skin I do not observe.
During an emiction sometimes sensation of very weak burning sensation in the channel.
And hardly appreciable not a pain, and more likely unpleasant sensation in ovaries.
Also the speeded up emiction.
If the exact diagnosis to put difficultly, it would be desirable to know to what it more close,
Because I abroad, and here health services very dear or expensive
Also it would be desirable to know to what doctors more likely obrashchatsja-to venereologists or
To urologists if business goes about not venereal disease.

New settlers V.S.
23.08.2004, 13:32
The urologist surveys you on venvozbuditeli, will confirm or will exclude their presence and in the further will solve the problem on the diagnosis and treatment.