Просмотр полной версии : Whether chlamydias on bed-clothes, a bathroom in current 12 chaso can be saved...

20.08.2004, 21:07
Whether chlamydias on bed-clothes, a bathroom in current of 12 hours can be saved? How much or As far as in general really to catch in a conditions of life, for example through utensils? Whether it is possible to catch if to use a toilet bowl through any time after the sick person provided that on a surface of a seat any vydeleny is not present? How the clamidiosis can be shown at hit of chlamydias in a pharynx? In advance thanks for the answer.

New settlers V.S.
22.08.2004, 09:46
Your questions can be considered or examined;surveyed from a position of medical philosophy: "yes" also it "is improbable", as much in ways of transfer of chlamydias remains in doubt. The inflammatory phenomena of area of pharynx hlamidijnoj the nature are combined with obnovremennym a lesion of pulmonary system in a various degree of an expression.