Просмотр полной версии : Urgently, urgently, the doctor, is necessary your advice or council.... Zdravtsvujte also tell or say, has shaken...

17.08.2004, 05:36
Urgently, urgently, the doctor, is necessary your advice or council.... Zdravtsvujte also tell or say, please, at takoih results of the analysis of a blood on a clamidiosis it is necessary to me to be treated:
Ig G: 0, 564 at a critical parameter (? Like so, I perevozhe on Russian) 0, 100???? And at the husband: 0, 836 at 0, 272. What does all this mean??????
Here what that frightening digits, I remember last time at me was 0, 430 at norm or rate or an emergency 0, 3 and me have told or said, that it is necessary to be treated, I drank 11 days sumamed. And that now. Like 0, 564 it is more, than 0, 430?????????????
I wait with neterpneiem for the answer!
Yours faithfully,

New settlers V.S.
17.08.2004, 20:24
So researchers ask norms or rates and compare them as each laboratory can have the standards.