Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist, please! My husband handed over analyses on markers of a hepatitis In: two of...

11.08.2004, 08:11
Help or Assist, please! My husband handed over analyses on markers of a hepatitis In: two of them positive. The doctor has told or said, that he has had been ill with a hepatitis in the latent form and now is not infectious. I have handed over the analysis on markers: HBsAg and anti-HBcorIgG - negative, anti-HBsAg - less than 3, 0, and anti-HBcorIgM - 2, 0 U/ml. What does it mean? I the carrier or bearer of a virus?

11.08.2004, 10:14
Help or Assist, please! My husband handed over analyses on markers of a hepatitis In: two of them positive. The doctor has told or said, that he has had been ill with a hepatitis in the latent form and now is not infectious. I have handed over the analysis on markers: HBsAg and anti-HBcorIgG - negative, anti-HBsAg - less than 3, 0, and anti-HBcorIgM - 2, 0 U/ml. What does it mean? I the carrier or bearer of a virus?