Просмотр полной версии : "Mythical" condylomas

04.08.2004, 17:15
At survey genikologa to me have informed, that at me condylomas peaked or acuminate, they should be deleted. Visually on sexual labiums and before in a vagina I do not see them, they are not present, a finger inside too I do not grope. The analysis on PVCH has shown negative result. To me the doctor has told or said, that probably there was an attack of a virus, and the final stage is an occurrence of these condylomas. Now them will remove also I shall forget about them for ever. One more moment. At me one sexual partner during 4 h years. I at it or him too (authentically). I pass or I take place surveys of the gynecologist every year, never any condylomas was. Such happens in general? At me sensation, that mislead me, because procedure of excision kandilom madly dear or expensive. And it is sick, probably.
Respond please!

dr. Agapov
09.08.2004, 19:17
Kondillomy should will be defined or determined visually.
They look or appear at women so:
http: // www.dermis.net/doia/image.asp? zugr=d*lang=e*cd=18*nr=43*diagnr=78130