Просмотр полной версии : About one year have found out uroplazmu in both (handed over on all infections), lech back...

06.08.2004, 23:21
About one year have found out uroplazmu in both (handed over on all infections) back, both were treated (all modern techniques), at the husband have not found out at the repeated analysis, at me have found, I was again treated already with other preparations, have again found out (in the husband again was not present), we were protected by condoms all this time. To me have advised to make crop, have found uroplazmu uralitikum 4* *10, opinions of doctors are divided or shared;parted: (majority) speaks someone, that I am the carrier or bearer and to treat it is not necessary, but we are afraid, that the husband though doctors deny can catch. How to us to be?

The anonym
07.08.2004, 21:35
C at you such, infections, most likely, are not present. Ask it or her: http: // larina. by. ru/

08.08.2004, 01:16
http: / / larina. by. ru/
Here to address it is not necessary, I have addressed, one and a half month I look forward to hearing. Easier to the doctor at once.

The anonym
08.08.2004, 22:14
At me as was... It is necessary to wait time... To have a drink travki, clearing an organism of medicines, to have a rest... And in a month lva again to hand over the analysis...

New settlers V.S.
09.08.2004, 01:28
Ureaplasma - the originator passed sexual by. However can (kommensal) to appear as a roommate in an organism under conditions favorable for it or him. Parasitizes in organs where there is a urea. Address to other experts.