Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! 2 4 months ago there was a communication or connection with infected by a lues. Three times (...

The anonym
03.08.2004, 06:34
Good afternoon!
2 4 months ago there was a communication or connection with infected by a lues. Three times (within two months after contact) handed over a blood on RV which nothing has shown. Last time has handed over also the expanded analysis (-to mine the REEF), in itself it has appeared two crosses. Have told or said it is sick, but at consultation of other doctor it was found out, that the REEF reveals or taps illness or disease only at an early stage, and after dvuh-three months the exact answer should answer on RV. Whether So it? Yes, by the way, any external attributes, except for nemenija the right party or side of a body during a week (the doctor has told or said, that it does not concern to our subject), not nabljuldalos.

New settlers V.S.
03.08.2004, 09:43
You are healthy. For acknowledgement or confirmation of it or this can anonymously be investigated or researched in our clinic: 799 82 39.