Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! I have handed over analyses and have revealed a clamidiosis and a ureaplasma. az...

28.07.2004, 20:50
Hello the doctor!
I have handed over analyses and have revealed a clamidiosis and a ureaplasma.
aznachili treatment JUnidoks..., klatsid, Nistatinum, suppositories viferon and nistatinovye. And as bakosubtil..
Tell or Say those how much or as far as there was a correct treatment??? Very much it would be desirable to forget all this as a terrible dream..

New settlers V.S.
30.07.2004, 05:46
The ureaplasma, possibly, "will return", as she kommensal - a roommate. Preparations are adequate, however we prefer other antibiotics and immunokorretoram.