Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! In the extremity or end of August, 2000 in my husband have found out a lues...

27.07.2004, 20:24
The dear doctor! In the extremity or end of August, 2000 in my husband have found out a lues in a secondary stage. In me a lues have not found out. He has pierced 3 nyxes ekstentsilina (I one preventive nyxis). A problem that we dream of the child. I greater or big problems with gynecology, had an operation, in a month the course of a hormonetherapy comes to an end. Doctors recommend me to become pregnant on a cancelling a hormone. A question only in when it is possible to start to become pregnant. Last analysis of the husband has shown RV - negative. But sensitive analyses (the REEF and t. The item), certainly, show presence of a lues. Whether it is necessary to wait, when also these analyses will be negative or it is already possible to become pregnant, if RV - negative? How much in general still it is necessary to wait?

New settlers V.S.
28.07.2004, 06:07
The status of the husband by former illness or disease allows you is high-grade to execute before Supreme genital function. I wish health.