Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Five years ago to me have diagnosed "clamidiosis". posl...

24.07.2004, 19:46
The dear doctor!

Five years ago to me have diagnosed "clamidiosis". After treatment by a doxycycline and sumamedom analyses were good. In current of next five years it was surveyed repeatedly at other doctor, it was treated for a thrush (in my opinion as a result of the wrong diagnosis). In it or this to year has decided to address to other experts. "Clamidiosis" has been again diagnosed. From the beginning of year has passed or has taken place four courses of treatment by different preparations: the Doxycycline, sumamed, klaritromitsin, roksitromitsin.. At treatment also used stimulators-, tsikloferon, neovir, Pyrogenalum, himotripsin, an autohemotherapy. After last course of treatment has passed or has taken place month. Sexual contacts was not, and signs of illness or disease have again appeared. I handed over analyses in different clinics. Except for a clamidiosis and small erosion of other diseases is not present.
1. Whether there are any new radical methods of treatment of a clamidiosis?
2. You would advise what preparations for treatment of a chronic clamidiosis. Or after stolkih courses of unsuccessful treatment it is necessary to accept, what our medicine is powerless and it is illness or disease for all life?
3. Whether it is necessary to try or taste again treatment by preparations which have not brought rezultatv (a doxycycline, sumamed)?
3. I not married. Whether it is necessary to treat erosion. If yes, you consider or count what method optimum.
4. Whether I can infect the partner at sexual contact to a condom? At employment or occupation by oral sex? What methods of precaution will advise?

New settlers of Century, the venereologist
26.07.2004, 10:28
1. Exist.
2. "Vilprafen" in a combination with "neovirom".
3. After 12 months
3/3. This question to the gynecologist.
4. Cannot. However, a back wall of pharynx-favourite localization of chlamydias. A condom. "Miramistin".
I wish health.

27.07.2004, 22:37
The dear doctor!
Many thanks for your job and responses to letters!
Yesterday you have told or said, that there are any new radical methods of treatment of a clamidiosis. You can tell about them more in detail?
Thankful in advance.