Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! I have passed or have taken place 3 courses of treatment by strong antibiotics, with greater or big dozami-...

20.07.2004, 14:16
The doctor! I have passed or have taken place 3 courses of treatment by strong antibiotics, with greater or big dozami-treatments of chlamydias, have ruined a stomach, an intestine. I shall spend on drink a course, will make analiz-anything is not present, after a while again is, thus we are protected by a condom and so already 3 times, thus in any way I do not feel this clamidiosis. And still heard, that chlamydias are at everyone and that it or him lechenie-this simply useless business. Whether so it? Thanks.

New settlers V.S.
21.07.2004, 23:22
Treatment of a clamidiosis is spent in cases of high antiserum capacities or at presence of a clinical symptomatology (a lesion of joints, eyes, urogenital organs, etc.)

23.07.2004, 04:17
Lena and as you feel that the stomach and an intestine (simtomy or have ruined analyses), at me like similar to yours problems and I do not know as them to identify t. e. In a stomach or not problems. If want I can tell as lichil a clamidiosis already after failure with antibiotics, can to you it is useful.

23.07.2004, 15:11
Harry, certainly tell, how treated a clamidiosis? I shall be very grateful. You feel these chlamydias though kak-that? I personally in any way do not feel them.

25.07.2004, 06:12
Lena igor. ershov@scania. ru