Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist me to define or determine please than I have caught! Several weeks ago...

17.07.2004, 18:15
Help or Assist me to define or determine please than I have caught! Several weeks ago I have noticed an insignificant burning sensation after process of an emiction which proceeds till now. Recently I began to notice periodically kakieto white allocation from mocheispuskatelnogo the channel. Prompt me please what is it and as it to treat!!! I in a panic!

18.07.2004, 10:02
Konstantin. At me the same problem. Please, inform, whether it was possible to you to find an agent.
If I learn or find out something, at once I shall inform you.


New settlers V.S.
19.07.2004, 14:39
The named signs can be observed at several processes in a urethra: trihomoniaz, a clamidiosis, ureamikoplazmoz, etc. Be surveyed. Only after specification of the causal factor treatment is appointed or nominated.

21.07.2004, 03:55
For Leonid:
Meanwhile it was not defined or determined yet. I shall be very grateful if something you will prompt!

22.07.2004, 19:03