Просмотр полной версии : The dear Doctor! Thanks for your answer in occasion of diplokokkov. But if iskl...

16.07.2004, 18:44
The dear Doctor!
Thanks for your answer in occasion of diplokokkov. But if to exclude not finished the cure gonorrhea (I did not hurt or be ill;be sick neither a gonorrhea, nor others verzabolevanijami (Thanks God!) also I visit or attend the gynecologist 2 times a year, handing over all analyses, nachitavshis, that bacteria both in the sea, and in pool, and everywhere:) as they could appear, considering, what at their my friend have not found out? And why at me they are, and at my friend are absent (on idea they should be at both)? I already wrote, that we with the friend together handed over analyses and at it or him have found nothing (we live 1, 5 years), except for a mycoplasma. Whether can such be? And as I believe, if at it or him a mycoplasma (from me did not take the analysis on this bacterium), at me too. To my friend have appointed or nominated the DOXYCYCLINE of 2000 10 days on one tablet. How it is possible to cure diplokokki, streptococcuses and a mycoplasma? And more a question. In me in a blood have found out a virus of herpes lg G. Whether It is possible it or him "prispat" and how?
In advance I thank.

New settlers V.S.
17.07.2004, 02:12
At set of questions the sense of the answer to most important of them is lost.