Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Has passed or Has taken place course of treatment on a suspected lues (RV otritsat...

10.07.2004, 17:34
The dear doctor!
Has passed or Has taken place course of treatment on a suspected lues (RV negatively) treatment: 2 injections ekstentsillina + Hyoxysonum naruzhno. Last injection 8.08.00. The termination or discontinuance of Hyoxysonum 18.08.00. Disturbs that about one today there were "traces" from jazvochek. "Traces" - not open, not soaked or madidans pink maculae (on a place of the greatest ulcer inspissation till now) periodicheki that is more acyanotically, is brighter, but not up to red. How long after treatment there can be such "traces"? Whether speaks it about insufficient treatment?

12.07.2004, 04:28
In my opinion speaks. We shall listen to the colleague.

New settlers V.S., the venereologist
12.07.2004, 19:55
Dear Vlad, you had clinical displays of a primary seronegative lues. During treatment hard ulcers were resolved partially. This process will proceed within 2-3 months. You are not infectious. However, twice with intervalim in 1 month investigate or research a blood on a lues to be convinced, that a blood "pure or clean". I wish health.