Просмотр полной версии : In me have found out a clamidiosis and a ureaplasmosis, and at my partner - is not present. We with n...

05.07.2004, 14:38
In me have found out a clamidiosis and a ureaplasmosis, and at my partner - is not present. We with it or him live about half a year and were not always protected. Tell or say, whether what he is healthy is possible or probable, or the mistake or error has been admitted or allowed at carrying out of the analysis? Whether it is necessary for him to be treated all the same? At me the first signs have appeared in the beginning of September, and he handed over analyses in the middle of October. Contacts for this time were.
Thankful in advance.

06.07.2004, 11:24
If you plan to continue sex attitudes or relations treatment of the partner is necessary.
The result of any analysis depends on Quality of a capture of a material and an applied technique. Use more modern, for example a method of " the gold standard ".