Просмотр полной версии : pojalilis an easy or a light;a mild itch, a burning sensation (as though bakes) and an edema of sexual labiums, but is not present with...

29.06.2004, 18:26
pojalilis an easy or a light;a mild itch, a burning sensation (as though bakes) and an edema of sexual labiums, but is not present doubtful vydeleny and a smell. What is it can be? On what it is necessary to be surveyed at first?

30.06.2004, 09:53
Looking what allocation you consider or count "doubtful" (actually all of them "are doubtful", t. To. "Not doubtful" vydeleny, except for menstrual, simply does not happen).
To the mentioned attributes it is possible to suspect mikoplamoz (ureaplasmosis) or a lues but not only them. Necessarily sdelajtanalizy even if signs will be gone.