Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! Tell or say, whether the ureaplasma, and a cystitis can recover thus ost...

23.06.2004, 23:39
Zdrastvujte! Tell or say, whether the ureaplasma can recover, and the cystitis thus to remain? The doctor has told or said that the cystitis is caused or causes ureoplazmoj too, but I have passed or have taken place careful treatment from ureoplazmy, but the cystitis does not pass or take place, as acidic I shall eat or a bittern, and begins...?

24.06.2004, 21:42
Ureaplasma - not unique and it is far not the most frequent reason of a cystitis. It is necessary to be rechecked once again on the basic infections (including a ureaplasma) later 3 months after the termination or ending of treatment.