Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, at me 3 days ago on a sexual member, on a skin outside, has appeared kras...

21.06.2004, 12:34
The doctor, at me 3 days ago on a sexual member, on a skin outside, has appeared red pryshchik. I tried to cauterize it or him zelenkoj and hlorgeksidinom (spirituous), but he does not pass or take place. What to do or make? Its or his size in diameter about 5 mm.

New settlers V.S.
22.06.2004, 14:24
At occurrence of defect, think of a lues. Independent retrogress of the given education is possible or probable.

23.06.2004, 13:05
The lues is not present. MRS - negative. Than to cure this spot? It can allergic reaction?