Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me on a head of a member and on the internal party or side of a cuticle pojavi...

22.06.2004, 04:23
I on a head of a member and on the internal party or side of a cuticle had some educations similar on vetochku or a paw of the lizard. Does not hurt anything, but it is terrible - what is it can be and than it is treated. Thankful in advance.

22.06.2004, 06:59
I, certainly, still not the doctor, but a situation the friend. It most likely a peaked or an acuminate condyloma. Come on www. doktor. ru there a heap of the information about them. Also be not afraid it not lethally.

New settlers V.S.
23.06.2004, 09:53
Yes, visible, "nevrach" the rights. It is a question of virus process - peaked or acuminate condylomas.