Просмотр полной версии : I am treated for a clamidiosis and a bacterial vaginosis, at my partner anything is not present, though m...

Bringing down, 26 years
22.06.2004, 11:05
I am treated for a clamidiosis and a bacterial vaginosis, at my partner anything is not present, though we sometimes are not protected (he at me the constant partner). Whether it is possible or probable, what it or he does not have any infections? Prompt what analyses it is necessary to hand over to be assured or confident in absolute cleanliness (in sexual sphere)? MANY THANKS.

23.06.2004, 08:11
At yours prtnera all is or will be fast. So your treatment is useless, t. To. He all time infects you. It is known even by children. Really you pins to drink antibiotics simply so?!