Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! More year it is sick of a clamidiosis. The doctor has registered such ku...

21.06.2004, 13:31
The dear doctor! More year it is sick of a clamidiosis. The doctor has registered such course of treatment to me and my girl: biozin (2 up.), TSiklofen (2 up.), Viferon (2 up.), JUmitoks (2 up.), Tiberal (2 up.), Pimafutsin (3 up.), Hilak-forte (1 up.), Vilprafen (2 up.) and more suppositories to the girl. After calculation it has appeared, that the sum for me impressive enough and if it or her still or even to increase by two...: (As you estimate or appreciate this scheme or plan of treatment? And whether there are no others, let longer, but less expensive schemes or plans of treatment. Thankful in advance.

New settlers V.S.
21.06.2004, 20:36
Dear Stepan, 100 % of the techniques curing a clamidiosis did not meet. Basically this application of antibiotics in the form of cycles for 2 weeks in a combination or alternating with immunokorrektorami, t. To. Own immunity will make more, than any antibiotics. For references it is necessary to know results of analyses in various techniques (better in two). In your scheme or plan of treatment half of preparations it is possible to remove or take off, t. To. They are not directed on liquidation hlamidijnogo process, for example, tiberal, pimafutsin, hilak-forte, biozin (visible it is a question about vobenzime?). I wish health.