Просмотр полной версии : Forces are not present to live with it or this. Already probably years 6 (me now 23 years) as at me on g...

20.06.2004, 03:26
Forces are not present to live with it or this. Already probably years 6 (me now 23 years) as at me on a balanus are available small light pupyrki settling down groups. I think they since most my birth there were and earlier I kak-that did not pay to them attention, thought and it is necessary. But on proshevstvii some time has become interested in this question and has found some illnesses or diseases described rashes on genitals. In particular genital herpes. It is approximately hollow year back on labiums at me there were same rashes, which practically "zasejali" all upper lip. Having addressed to the doctor, I have begun course of treatment Atsiklovirom in hope hotjaby visually to clean or remove these or it puzyriki, but he has not resulted or brought in uniform shift. Now I pass or take place course of treatment with use togozhe atsiklovira + TSikloferona (intramusculary). Meanwhile any results it is not observed, and the course already comes to an end.

What is it in general such can be, there can be I not from that am flied or treated? What else there can be diseases connected with these light sores, prompt please.

New settlers V.S.
21.06.2004, 16:55
To venereal diseases the given signs of the attitude or relation have no.