Просмотр полной версии : Hello. During very long time my unique seksual...

15.06.2004, 22:04
Hello. During very long time my unique sex partner - my wife. Of its or her fidelity to doubt it is not necessary. At all thus, at present I am an owner of a plentiful eruption on a balanus. The history of its or her occurrence is those: hardly there is more than month back to me have removed a wisdom tooth (quite authoritative hospital). Serious enough operation with a section of a gum or gingiva, a bone, suturation, damage mucous a mouth... In a seam vshili any antiseptic fibers - from them within 3 4 weeks in a mouth were constant pharmaceutical smack. In 5 days after operation, as soon as the edema of a cheek slept, (and before I both ate in a public catering and bathed in pool and in the sea) pochustvoval an itch and has found out a boring on a head and plentiful slezanie a thin layer of a false skin flakes. Approximately for a week all signs have smoothly disappeared - I have attributed all this reactions to medicines, have calmed down and even have afforded sex contact. But in 3 days all signs though have to a lesser degree repeated. In 5 6 days all has passed or has taken place. But in day after the next sex contact has appeared all over again localized, and later 2 days and the red eruption of the small size widespread to all head. Kakih-any unpleasant sensations practically are not present. Questions a little: 1. As well as where to diagnose an infection? 2. Whether could infect me at operation and how it to find out? 3. How still I could pick up it? 4. Whether I could infect the wife? 5. WHAT TO DO or MAKE?!?! I shall be grateful for any advice or council...

16.06.2004, 08:08
At you a balanoposthitis.
No trouble in it or this is not present.
If wish to save sexual contacts with suprugoj, buy or purchase for it or her miramistin.
You should keep hygiene of a sexual member on a regular basis.

17.06.2004, 18:49
Thanks for the answer. Whether it means, what while it is possible to not hurry up with additional diagnostics? What reasons of occurrence of this balanoposthitis (Problems with hygiene never had)? How is faster from it or him to get rid? Whether it is necessary to me to apply also miramistin? Once again many thanks!!!

17.06.2004, 22:37
Miramistin it is possible to apply to both.
He in a solution for external application.
At someone from you the flora mucous was simply broke or disturbed.


19.06.2004, 14:56
Thanks huge! Have slightly calmed! When to expect a deflorescence at keeping all rules of hygiene and application miramistina? Can something smear, or tablets to drink?

20.06.2004, 21:51
I not the clairvoyant unfortunately.
For 7 10 days should pass or take place.