Просмотр полной версии : In me have found out trihomoniaz. First time has noticed attributes on September, 4th after...

16.06.2004, 14:47
In me have found out trihomoniaz. First time has noticed attributes on September, 4th after a good holiday. The spouse has left on first of September. The doctor has told or said, that there is a probability, that I have not infected it or her, t. To. In an incubation interval or a delitescence the probability is low. Last contact with suprugoj was on August, 31st. Whether so it? On what signs at it or her I can solve, I have infected it or her or not. Through how much they will be shown precisely (that I have not started to beat in bells ahead of time). The spouse on business trip also will be there even a month four. Whether it is necessary to begin treatment there or it is possible to wait for homing?

New settlers V.S.
16.06.2004, 21:57
Wish to be under impression a part of a life, recollecting " a good holiday "? Remove or Take off suspicion Tinidazolum (12 tablets) under the scheme or plan: 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 (the doctor will prompt, what is this the scheme or plan).

18.06.2004, 11:54
Problem in that the spouse abroad. Hardly there udastsja to address to the gynecologist or the venereologist. Do not prompt the scheme or plan for women and the international names of medicines. It is ready to approach or drop in to pay consultation.