Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. A problem at me such plan. Three days ago has accepted will inspire...

13.06.2004, 19:20
The dear doctor. A problem at me such plan. Three days ago has accepted impressive kol-in alcohol. Also there was a contact to the woman, the truth exclusively in the fact-finding purposes (only kisses). Today povilas hardly appreciable pain or even nojushchee pobalivanie in a scrotum and absolutely insignificant urodynias in a urethra. Advise please what to do or make, whether worries? What probability to catch than that? Some months were something similar, but pains were stronger. Handed over analizy-it is healthy as the bull. Pains then have passed or have taken place in days 7. A urethritis? Thanks in advance!

New settlers V.S.
15.06.2004, 04:14
Pay attention to a status of a scrotum.