Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Why you do not respond me??? Please, respond! 20 days...

08.06.2004, 12:03
Hello! Why you do not respond me??? Please, respond! 20 days I was treated for a clamidiosis. In 1, 5 months after the termination or ending of treatment has handed over smear PTSR, result - positive. The doctor has registered one more 20 ti dnevnyj a course of antibiotics. I was in a shock, t. To. Strictly kept all instructions of the doctor. Then I have learned or have found out, that it is possible to hand over a blood on the chronic and acute form, and that this result is more exact. Result of the second analysis such: And - 1 : 50; G - 1 : 10. I need to be treated further and whether it was right the doctor???

New settlers V.S.
08.06.2004, 21:41
Upon termination of treatment PTSR-diagnostics to spend it is inexpedient, as the analysis can be positive at absence of pathogenic originators and you will eternally consider or count yourselves as the patient. Specify norms or rates of laboratory where research of a level of antiserum capacities was carried out.

09.06.2004, 05:02
Norms or Rates of laboratory: And <1 : 50; G <1 : 10

New settlers V.S.
10.06.2004, 12:27
Credits of immunoglobulins at a level of the top borders of norm or rate. Calm down. Other job will be finished with your immunity.