Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! I very much ask to consider or examine my question and to respond to it or him. I live oche...

The patient
07.06.2004, 16:46
The doctor! I very much ask to consider or examine my question and to respond to it or him. I live very far from you, and therefore I have no an opportunity to address in your clinic, and to local doctors not so that I trust. At me a chronic bacteriemic or bacterial prostatitis and a trichomoniasis. The doctor has registered following medicines (in view of periodicity): Thymalinum (10 v/m of nyxes in a day), prostakor (10 v/m of nyxes), Azitromitsin (on 2 tablets in day of times in three weeks), Nomizin (10 days on 2 tablets in day), Mikosist (three tablets in a day), Fermantal (15 days on 1 tablet), Vobenzim (20 30 days on 5 dragees 3 times a day), Metranidazol (10 days on 2 tablets in day), Vitamaks (15 tablets in a day) + the Physiotherapy (20 days) and use fitopreparatov (tea, etc.) (20 30 days). Tell or say, please, the registered course is how much exact and whether there are any disadvantages or discrepancies in itself? Many thanks.

New settlers V.S.
08.06.2004, 05:13
Azitromitsin it is recommended in the strange scheme or plan: or on 2 in day (12 days)... Or on 4 in a week (3 weeks)...