Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Several months ago on external genitals have appeared...

06.06.2004, 17:07
Hello! Several months ago on external genitals there were fine bubbles and a strong itch. The doctor has written out a liquid, - to mine of 3 %5 % a solution of sodium teosulfata if I am not mistaken. In a drugstore there were only 10 % a solution. Has solved, that it will be better and used nerazbavljaja. After a while all has passed or has taken place, and now instead of those bubbles brown rodinki, convex as pimples. Help or assist to get rid, sexual contacts never was. Till now I do not know, what is it was.

New settlers V.S.
07.06.2004, 15:14
It probably to execute at internal consultation.