Просмотр полной версии : Today one my familiar girl went behind result of the analysis on AIDS, sk...

03.06.2004, 07:48
Today one my familiar girl went behind result of the analysis on AIDS, have told or said something like " the analysis on reinstallation, will be not earlier than Monday ". Now at it or her the hysterics, is assured, that at it or her AIDS. Respond please, whether really such delay with result speaks about an opportunity of infection, and explain the mechanism of action of the test or dough is better. In spid-the center have told or said " about what does not speak, the system so has worked ", anything to explain did not become, what is this system such. The answer has not satisfied, more likely on the contrary, a hysterics even more. Respond please more likely, I am afraid till Monday she will not sustain. Though unique suspicious contact - minet 9 months ago. The analysis on a HIV 3 mes nazad-otrits. Can is better to the psychologist will address?

New settlers V.S.
04.06.2004, 20:56
The medical institution works through intermediaries. If tomorrow (13.09) will hand over a blood for the analysis, to 15.00 result it will be ready. Call: 799 82 39.

05.06.2004, 23:04
We not in Moscow, and the analysis surrendered in city SPID-the center, there rez-you the fastest in city - on a trace. Day, all other items or points work through it or him, t. e. It will more be checked up there is no place.