Просмотр полной версии : For quite some time now, probably year 2, at me krajnja a flesh a little suzilsa, in...

Alex, 27 years
05.06.2004, 00:49
For quite some time now, probably year 2, at me krajnja a flesh a little suzilsa, in a place of narrowing the skin hardly is more white than usually. It often causes morbid sensations at the relations. For all this time was replaced a little partnersh. Was at the venereologist, he has told or said something about a thrush and has registered ointment S.Ne's Lorindenm has helped or assisted. Tell or say please how from it or this to get rid? Thankful in advance.

New settlers V.S.
05.06.2004, 16:20
Visible it is a question about sklerodermicheskih changes (irreversible). The circumcision is the Most effective. For conservative treatment address: 799 82 39.