Просмотр полной версии : Hello! After the sexual certificate or act accomplished practically right after vv...

03.06.2004, 14:22
After the sexual certificate or act accomplished practically right after of introduction of a contraceptive suppository in a vagina, next day I on a trunk of a penis had red maculae and an itch. Possibly, it is an allergy on action of a suppository as the head of a penis has remained pure or clean and, at application of candles beforehand up to the certificate or act, such reaction was not. After a lavage of a penis a solution of potassium permanganate and acceptance of tablets of Diazolinum within two days the itch has decreased, and red maculae have not disappeared. Whether can advise other agents, medicines or it is time to the doctor?

It is clear
05.06.2004, 13:24
GY) at my young man the same reaction to candles:) at it or him has passed or has taken place, a current of a candle do not protect from all infections passed sexual by:)