Просмотр полной версии : I have lost virginity in the extremity or end of April of this year. It has decided to be checked up roofing felt...

02.06.2004, 10:45
I have lost virginity in the extremity or end of April of this year. It has decided to be checked up only recently. In me have found out a bacterial vaginosis and mekaplazmu. My unique partner approves or confirms, that was checked before beginning just with me a sexual life and in it or him have found out nothing. How such it is possible or probable??? These diseases are passed only sexual by? And more. My doctor now in holiday and I would like to know than it is possible to suspend an inflammation before treatment? Whether such preparation as Betadin, for example can help or assist?

New settlers of Century, the venereologist
03.06.2004, 04:52
Dear Only, visible, inflammatory process in a vagina has led you to the gynecologist who has revealed gardnerelly and mycoplasmas. In fact not sexual way of infection of women, especially girls, through household goods (bed-clothes, a night pot), and also instruments in -gynecologic cabinets or studies is possible or probable. Gardnerelly are "markers" of trouble (inflammation) of organs of a small basin at women could exist at you and till a sexual life. Betadin - the preparation, basic operating or working which part is an iodine, is capable to cause allergic reactions. Use better "Terzhinan" on 1 suppository for the night. With the partner try to address to the same venereologist - any information will be more authentic. I wish health.

04.06.2004, 12:02
It is complex or difficult to argue with the colleague the venereologist, but! Modern demands sanepidsluzhby on processing reusable toolkit by any honey. By the personnel are carried out strictly. It is impossible to catch at the gynecologist on reception. How much years work - did not hear about such. Other question: how much authentically also diagnostics of your health is qualitatively spent. Frequently analyses in ZHK are carried out by a rough technique with reliability of 50 %. The method of " the gold standard " is desirable. Infection in most cases occurs or happens sexual by. Men as a rule do not suffer from these two kinds of an infection, and it is dangerous to women during pregnancy.

New settlers of Century, the venereologist
04.06.2004, 20:11
For the colleague - urologist I.A.Koblikova: see in kn. " The diseases passed sexual by ". A.N.Rodion. Izd. Peter. 1999. .152.