Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me from 15 years the gradual augmentation of number male is observed...

Alexey of 25 years
03.06.2004, 08:39
Hello! At me from 15 years the gradual augmentation of number of small red specks at a head p/ch is observed. They are similar to very fine acnes. Diffusion very slow. All this has begun with small reddening, like a boring, in 15 years in the bottom part of a head, then here years ten slowly progresiruet without jumps. Now nearby mocheisp. The channel a little such fine ugorkov and a skin inside of a cuticle inflamed. A dyscomfort in sensations it is not observed. Addressed in gerpeticheskie the centers, analyses find herpes, but I am not assured or confident of it or this even if analyses show it (and they in fact can be positive even at people who do not have external displays of herpes). And plus to all is flaccid process without exacerbations, and reddenings (tochechki, characteristic usual temno-) do not pass or take place red color of acnes, but only very slowly, I repeat, in the course of time them has appeared only 4 5 sht, progress. All ointments, medicines against herpes and tablets - the zero result, even is not present any reaction to them. To remove them it is physically impossible, they again appear. Venerologic diseases are not present. Tell or say, please what is it can be, would like presumably. It can an internal infection of a bladder, I do not know even, and doctors particularly do not speak anything. Very much I hope for you!!! Considering your experience, can eat versions any!

New settlers V.S.
04.06.2004, 12:21
The bacteriemic or bacterial, fungic or fungal, allergic nature of the given rashes.