Просмотр полной версии : On a penis white scurf is observed, has a unpleasant smell, the smell appears...

29.05.2004, 20:16
On a penis white scurf is observed, has a unpleasant smell, the smell appears somewhere in 2-3 hours after pomoju, scurf in 1-2 days.
At the wife it is observed too most. Went on reception to the doctor: to me have told or said - the Thrush, recommended Clotrimazolum and soda trays or basins. To the wife have told or said something "not clear" (any "cell" I can not recollect on memory): recommended "Flagylum" to both, and the wife syringing and more vaginalnye capsules any (too on memory I do not remember). And so, at application of Clotrimazolum nothing occured or happened i.e. was as before, and here at application of Flagylum, after the first reception was gone both at me and at the wife (the set forth above signs), under the reference of the doctor of sexual affinity nebylo during reception of Flagylum, and indications to application were kept all. Now again too most, and at once as have ceased to use Flagylum. How to be?
Went to 5- to different doctors, 3 from them have told or said that in general anything is not present, two only have told or said that it is necessary to do or make, and only one agent helped or assisted: (but now too most...

Thanks for attention.

New settlers V.S.
31.05.2004, 10:23
Dear Alexander, at spouses of a problem of gynecologic character. At it or her they are shown by the phenomena vaginoza with revealing at inspection of a plenty gardnerell (key cells). Probably simultaneously presence and a candidiasis (thrush). That affects and "your" penis. I wish health.

31.05.2004, 13:45
How it is better to us to enter given situation? Campaigns to doctors give nothing. One speak that a Thrush, one speak that in general all by way of.

What analyses are desirable for making to both of us really to find out that occurs or happens actually?

New settlers V.S.
01.06.2004, 16:34
It is obligatory to investigate or research a discharge on flora, to define or determine possible or probable presence of chlamydias, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas.