Просмотр полной версии : HOW TO TREAT HERPES of GENITALS?...

29.05.2004, 14:26

29.05.2004, 19:15
As soon as it is necessary chut-hardly to catch a cold, at once pojavljaetsja gerpe. I feel as he priblizhaetsja. First that area where to appear herpes nachinaetsja szhizhenie skins and occurrence a little malenkih mucosas zhelto-rozyvom color is then observed. Sometimes inside of a mouth - in vnutrennoj parts gubov also it is possible to notice what that malenkie mucous sores.
The doctor obesnjaet szhizhenie with that that at occurrence, the HERPES damages or injures skins of a nerve of this or that area. According to the doctor I polzujus
Vaccine "neovira". But it does not help or assist.
What further?

30.05.2004, 06:58
The darling, it really infection (experience and not only mine). Well, vo-the first, it is ointments of type Gerpevir, Gevishoz (to me helps or assists to remove or take off an itch and t. Item external projavljanie illnesses or diseases), vo-the second, it either atsiklovir, or zoviraks (tablets). Doses stipulate with treating vrachem. Helps or assists!
And still watch over health: vitamins to reduce to a minimum the use of alcohol, nikotina-all will leave!

New settlers V.S.
31.05.2004, 18:55
It is essentially possible to consider or count successful Carmen's tactics: during an exacerbation - antiviral tablets and ointments, in outside of the recurrent period - immunokorrektory.