Просмотр полной версии : Forgive or Excuse, that a question " not on a subject ", but in koferentsii "Dermatologist" of the answer dozhd...

Lena, 21 year
29.05.2004, 17:19
Forgive or Excuse, that a question " not on a subject ", but in koferentsii "Dermatologist" of the answer to wait it is impossible. And among your specializations I have found also dermal illnesses or diseases. If can, respond, please. Nearby 6 ti months back at me problems with a skin have begun: periodically on the face (a chin, area around of labiums, a bridge, less often - cheeks and) jump up a forehead pryshchiki, completely not similar to youthful acnes, frequently morbid, long not passing or not taking place. Has borrowed or occupied in "selftreatment": began to use Zinerit. Has helped or assisted. But in two weeks after the course has terminated, began to pour out again. Several days ago has addressed to dermtaologu. He has diagnosed " pink acnes " and has given following references: to survey a stomach, to wipe a skin losonom instead of washing, Metrogil day + to cauterize 2 times pryshchiki a special solution, gipoallergennaja the diet. 1) could something add to this list? 2) the third day I use Metrogilom, and as it seems to me, there was a deterioration: Prior to the beginning of treatment at me was only three pryshchika on the face, now - seven. Whether it is normal? I shall be grateful for the answer.

New settlers V.S.
30.05.2004, 02:41
Your status can be estimated or appreciated from several positions. These are displays of a perioral dermatitis or rozatseja. Process whimsical, has chronic current. Recurs from influence of any minimally operating or working factors: alimentary, medicinal, hormonal dysfunctions, etc. internal consultations as virtual references can give only ekstrassensy (to this category Are necessary do not carry).