Просмотр полной версии : The dear Doctor! Tell or say, please, through what time after infection go...

25.05.2004, 04:12
The dear Doctor! Tell or say, please, through what time after infection the gonorrhea can be shown at women in the form of plentiful vydeleny, an itch and a urodynia? Whether there can be an incubation interval or a delitescence of more than 2 months? And why at the man, with which I already being the sick given infection (but yet not knowing it or this) had the "not protected" sexual contacts, in analyses have found a heap of other microbes, but not gonokok. Such in general can be? He handed over analyses in an anonymous cabinet or study. I shall be very grateful for your answer. Yours faithfully.

New settlers V.S.
25.05.2004, 22:35
Dear Marrying, process in a stage of classical development when in 3-7-10 days come to light or are taped specified by you siptomy, in your case passed or took place differently. It is possible or probable. Why? Under what influence-or factors (for example, reception of antibiotics, etc. medicines in a small amount) he was not acute and you it or him on vydelenijam and rezi at mochesispuskanii have not noticed. In 2 months any provoking factor (alcohol, nervous stress, activization of a sex life, etc.) has sharply aggravated a flaccid gonorrhea and there were all developed or unwrapped signs. The partner has not caught, as spent elementary measures of prophylaxis after communication or connection with you: it was wetted after the sexual certificate or act, it was washed away with soap struevym douche or applied "Miramistin" ("just in case"). You could and not know about it or this. And at last, at the partner have not revealed (such too probably because of imperfection of techniques of diagnostics) or " about the " the partner does not wish to speak a gonorrhea to a gonorrhea. I wish health.

27.05.2004, 11:52
The dear Doctor! Thanks for the answer, but at me have still arisen questions. At me the given signs of a gonorrhea were showed after the sexual certificate or act during a menses in an insanitary situation of the car of a train Pskov-Moscow, and from the partner of any measures of " elementary prophylaxis " has not been done, I remember it. But he it is constant in current of all time which I it or him know, itself accepted any antibiotics " from a head ". Whether there can be he the carrier or bearer of a slow and not shown gonorrhea? Respond, please. Yours faithfully.

New settlers V.S.
29.05.2004, 02:30
In such interpreting a case - can.