Просмотр полной версии : The doctor the matter is that in me have found out herpes and have told or said to accept atsiklo...

28.05.2004, 05:32
The doctor the matter is that in me have found out herpes and have told or said to accept atsiklovir 5 times a day on 1-st tablet, but at me from them a heartburn in a stomach and unpleasant sensations. Any other medicines it has not been appointed or nominated, about any vitamins and furthermore about any complex of medicines of any word it has not been told or said. Next time the doctor in KVD will appear only on next medium when I and was going to on reception, but to accept Atsiklovir with such sensations ALREADY begins intolerable what to do or make - to continue to excruciate a stomach or to treat herpes? One to treat, another to ruin - in my opinion alternative bad. That you can tell or say in this occasion. In advance I thank.

New settlers V.S., the venereologist
29.05.2004, 02:06
Dear Anatoly, protect a stomach. Displays of herpes to be resolved independently and without atsiklovira. And the doctor (knowing) will advise protivogerpeticheskie preparations in other medicinal forms, not only irritating mucous a stomach. I wish health.