Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At on with the husband there was a problem Help or Assist. The matter is that at n...

Olga K.S.
27.05.2004, 09:19
At on with the husband there was a problem Help or Assist.
The matter is that at it or him on a head of a member have appeared small red pryshchiki, the eruption very fine causes an itch, vydeleny any is not present, after sexual contact I had an itch in a vagina, ranie he too complained of an itch and I saw such eruption approximately about 4 months ago have thought that at me the thrush has made to itself some trays or basins with peroxide of Hydrogenium and has bought or purchased vaginalnye tablets "Ginalgin" after three tablets an itch from me has disappeared, but when I have inserted 3 ju a tablet right after it or this we with the husband have overslept
He has complained of that that at it or him I burn down a head has told or said that have inserted a tablet, I too had a burning sensation, but next day all signs have disappeared has forgotten to tell or say that at me is not present any vydeleny including evil-smelling. But rpmerno 2 days ago it or he had this eruption for the night I has inserted ginalgin, and in the morning we have overslept a head at it or him has turned pale, and pryshchichki have as though incorporated in some red specks and near a bridle obrazovals small 2 vuldyrika as though napolnenye a liquid, but he has told or said that pains and he does not feel an itch. With the husband we live 5 years and up to it or him and in time marriage or spoilage at me was not others muzhchi he speaks that too to me did not change, the truth has admitted that masturbiroval dirty arms or hand. Prompt what is it can be?

New settlers V.S.
28.05.2004, 06:49
Reaction to flora of your vagina.