Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Handed over the analysis (blood) on herpes as a result anti-HSVIgG-...

24.05.2004, 14:24
Handed over the analysis (blood) on herpes as a result
anti-HSVIgG - 9.3 (norms or rates. <0.9)
anti-HSVIgM - it is negative.
Has shown in KVD result, there have told or said, that if nothing disturbs to treat nenado. Comment please on the given situation.

New settlers V.S.
25.05.2004, 05:01
You have received the adequate answer as it is observed hronich. A carriage gerpeticheskih antibodies (process within the limits of norm or rate).

27.05.2004, 01:34
That is, you consider or count what to be treated it is not necessary in any way? How much or as far as it is dangerous to mine partnershi?

New settlers V.S.
28.05.2004, 00:26
You are dangerous during relapse.