Просмотр полной версии : SOS! For the first time has bought or purchased Farmateks, used two times. First time - normaln...

24.05.2004, 12:47
SOS! For the first time has bought or purchased Farmateks, used two times. First time - it is normal, second time - at the HUSBAND has begun rez in a head right after the sexual certificate or act. Hardly longer, than for the first time, remained in me after an ejaculation. Has told or said, that sensations same as when in an out-patient department took analyses and for this purpose thrust something, I apologize, in a member. However, very quickly () the pain has passed or has taken place 15 20 minutes. Whether there can be at the husband a reaction to this preparation, or it something another? Whether such reaction of a preparation can speak about any disease? Whether To apply to us it or him in the further?

New settlers V.S.
25.05.2004, 14:24
After an ejaculation in a vagina "to be late" it is inexpedient. At repetition of signs or presence of an eruption on a head of a penis = change a preparation on patenteks-an oval.

26.05.2004, 15:24
Svetlana! In turn, I wish to warn about " Patenteks-an oval ". When the candle "thaws", the liquid follows outside. Besides the liquid contains any grains which rub a head and walls of a vagina. Any pleasure and mass of unpleasant sensations to both.