Просмотр полной версии : Dear dock, help or assist please! In January of the last year was casual to...

Valentine, 21
24.05.2004, 21:03
Dear dock, help or assist please!
In January of the last year there was a casual contact (before and after partnersha one), and in March there was this problem. Has gone in our provincial KVD - have taken analyses of a blood and a smear (having thrust in mocheispuskatelnyj the channel a spoke). Have found Nothing. Clotrimazolum (ointment) and Nistatinum (tablets) have not helped or assisted. To the middle of summer has passed or has taken place by itself, and in October has appeared again (and to this day).
The short of a problem that there is a white scurf at the basis of a head (under a prepuce), and it causes an itch and unpleasant " pokalyvajushche-poshchipyvajushchuju " a pain. Such impression, that a skin istonchaetsja, often (after sex) arise hardly appreciable (if to delay a skin back) morbid ranki-treshchinki. Scurf is similar to the exfoliated keratosic skin (as at some people in a bath when they rub a body a palm - "katyshki") and by water is not dissolved. It is swept slightly up or is slightly appreciable already through 12 after "pomyvki". I wash in day.
In advance thanks.

New settlers V.S.
25.05.2004, 11:16
Survey a passion. At itself exclude a diabetes mellitis. Use triderm.