Просмотр полной версии : In me have found out a ureaplasma of two kinds and gardnerellu. According to the doctor in...

19.05.2004, 12:29
In me have found out a ureaplasma of two kinds and gardnerellu. According to the doctor in the same clinic has passed or has taken place course of treatment by the laser and any insignificant tablets. In current of all period of treatment we with the partner were protected by condoms. But there was an oral sex. At delivery of check analysises results have remained positive. I do not know treatment was how much effective, but the course cost dearly or expensively. Prompt, than now to be treated, that there was a parity or ratio of the price of result. On "expensively serious to be solved. Agents are limited. Though, if it is necessary... Allergies on medicines are not present.

20.05.2004, 06:15
Change clinic, I think, for 2 3 thousand rub a ureaplasma cure weeks for dve-)

The anonym
23.05.2004, 09:21
The ureaplasma is treated vilprafenom a course of 10 days. The control over 21 day after the termination or ending - crop a ureaplasma (before crop 3 hours to not go to a toilet)

24.05.2004, 21:39
And gardnerellu than to treat? What vitamins or antihistamine need to be accepted still?