Просмотр полной версии : 4 years ago at the device on job my future husband handed over analyses, and at n...

23.05.2004, 20:18
4 years ago at the device on job my future husband handed over analyses, and at it or him the positive Wassermann reaction (4 +) has been revealed. Any external displays of illness or disease it was revealed not. Result of my analysis negative. The lues has been diagnosed the husband, and course of treatment is appointed or nominated. To me preventive treatment too has been spent. After a while I have again handed over the analysis - result again negative. At the husband again positive. And here within 4 years we cost or stand on the account in KVD. Everyone half a year I hand over a blood on analyses and constantly negative reaction. To the husband 2 treatments have been spent, but the blood and has remained positive. However, after 2 go a course the quantity or amount of pluss has gone down up to 2. Recently he has once again handed over the analysis, and again 4 +. To Him have again appointed or nominated treatment (Procainum Penicillinum G3 Century), Daily injections in tech. 20 days). 2 years ago I have become pregnant, have despite of everything decided to leave the child. During pregnancy I was checked with 3 times. And each time the analysis negative. To the son year. Develops normally, and even advances in development of contempoparies a little.
We already ustali from constant analyses and treatments. Whether can be such, what the blood simply is not restored after the transferred or carried illness or disease or what simply not from that treat the husband? Thankful in advance for the answer.

New settlers V.S.
24.05.2004, 12:52
Address in our clinic with the purpose of additional inspection and specification of the diagnosis.